

2014-05-22 王宥轩 译 武太白英语教学

本系列内容英文原文取自BBC Thought for the Day节目网站,朋友们也可以下载节目录音收听。




Thought for the Day 20140508 - Bishop Tom Butler


A recent science festival was a sold out success. The subject, Tipping Points, is perhaps best illustrated by grain after grain being added to a stable pile of sand. There comes a point when one extra grain will make the whole pile unstable and a mini-avalanche occurs. The same phenomenon occurs in climate change, computer science, banking and politics – tipping points can unexpectedly be encountered in all of them, sometimes with dramatic results.


We came across an episcopal tipping point a couple of weeks ago. On Easter Day a new large diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales 西约克郡暨约克郡谷地教区 was created from three former smaller dioceses. In closing down the office of the Bishop of Bradford 布拉德福德(英格兰北部城市) a mini-archive was unearthed, the papers relating to Bishop Blunt, Bishop of Bradford in 1937 at the time of the abdication crisis of Edward 8th.



Stories of the affair which the king was having with Mrs Simpson, an American divorcee, were being carried in newspapers all over Europe and America, but there was a news embargo in the British media and nobody was breaking it, so the British people were in ignorance of the biggest news story of the day. Then Bishop Blunt delivered a sermon to a church conference. The theme of the sermon was Grace. "We are all in need of God's grace"' he said, "including the king if he is to do his duty faithfully" then, the Bishop went on, warming to his subject, "we hope he is aware of his need. Some of us wish that he gave more positive signs of such awareness."


Those simple words proved to be the media’s tipping point. The press believed that the bishop had breached the embargo on the king’s affair and so they were free to do likewise, and so the constitutional landslide gathered pace with stories in every newspaper, and the king, locked into an unwinnable dispute with prime minister and archbishop, eventually was forced to abdicate.


The uncovered archive relates the vitriolic letters which the bishop then received, and his diaries reveal that he was both surprised and hurt by them, for he always maintained that, when he prepared his sermon, he knew nothing of the king's affair; he was merely meaning to be mildly critical of the fact that the king didn't always attend church on Sundays. Be that as it may, those few words changed history in a way perhaps totally unintended by the bishop.


I guess there's a moral in this for public figures including bishops. Words meant to be prophetic often fall on deaf ears, whereas simple words can have unexpected and sometimes catastrophic consequences – everything depends upon whether they’re spoken into a situation near tipping point. It should be called the Bishop Blunt effect.


